Over the years the Lord has led me and Darlene down many roads. I would like to think that all the roads we have been on have been the ones He has lead us to. I know in my heart this is not the truth because I know I have taken some paths that were misguided and not where the Lord wanted us to go. Sometimes it was my flesh, sometimes I just did not hear clearly. Darlene and I often reflect on the roads of our lives. Some are good... for instance...
I can remember a red clay road in Brazil...Darlene was trying her best (in her sweet suthern accent) to teach our interpreter how to pronounce "r's". Since most Portuguese pronounce r's as h's - well rooster becomes hooster and Richard becomes Hickard or Hicky for short.
I can remember the dirt road off Hwy 45 we used to walk for exercise on. It was a logging trail actual - but many hours were spent on this road crying out to the Lord. This was a time of great trial in our marriage. We had started off on the wrong foot and just knew all was a mistake. But we walked, we talked and we wrestled. Thank God for God who never loses track of you nor forsakes you and still talks to you on some pretty lonesome dirt roads when very few are there to help....
I can remember a road in Bangladesh. Warren Helmer and I were part of a praying walking team. The team was split up and we were to walk village to village praying, doing water test and sharing whenever the door opened. We were walking one day, when a kid ran up and snatched my flash light off my belt and took off running. Our guide took off after him - with the intent to retrieve my flashlight but also to punish this kid....the kid was only about 10 and probably hungry. Warren somehow recognized the peril this kid had put himself and ran after the pair too. He caught up about the time the guide began to beat on this child. Instead of urging the man to stop, Warren threw himself in front of the boy to take the punishment on himself. I'll never forget thinking, this is what Jesus did for me.
I can remember a road in Indonesia. We were visiting MM and we were to travel to a little community way out in the sticks. I have been on some rough roads but this one ranks in the top 10. I can remember getting there and this little community of believers led us in worshipping the One and Only God. Even with chickens falling through the roof and ladies breast feeding in the middle of church - the center of attention was Jesus.
I remember a road last year in Uganda. The road to hell and back all in one direction. Our mission included a trip to a little town called Lira. There was a refugee camp there that Ken Galyean and I had visited a few months earlier. The road trip was long but not unbearable - about 4 hours. We were going to Lira to share the Gospel and feed the camp and just love on some folks that had been run out of their homes by some very mean men. We packed up - a van load of folks and food and other stuff. We even had to strap some stuff on top. We took off around lunch time and began what we thought would be a 4 hour journey. Because of the late start our driver decided to take a different road. About 3 hours into the journey, the road turned into a dirt road and it began to get dark. I found out later that we were traveling through some pretty dangerous territory. The journey also turned into 10 hour trip in the dark on a pot hole riddled dirt road and a driver who drove at breakneck speed trying his best to quickly get us to our destination. There's a lot more to this story but it was truly a night to remember. But also a great day to remember on the next day. Lots of folks were fed and ministered to.
I remember a road in Botswana. Ronnie Johnson and I drove practically the entire width of this country and prayer walked several communities. It was like traveling in Texas. Flat. We had a great time though and saw the Lord do many things.
I remember a road to Bam Iran. Bob Ewing and I along several others from North Mobile joined a team from all over Alabama in response to an earth quake in Iran. Our mission was to deliver a mobile kitchen, set up and cook local fair for these folks who had been devastated by a sudden earth quake. With in six days after the earth quake we were flying into Bam on a Russian cargo plane (that's a story in itself) directly into Iran. We quickly got set up and began to feed folks. One night the lines were long and the food looked like it was going to run out. Bob began to lead us in praying the fished and loaves....God did a great miracle that night - as the last person was served the last scoop of rice and chicken was dished up. Fishes and loaves - there was enough for all that were hungry. We were not allowed to share the Gospel there but we heard later that many were saved just because they were loved by Jesus though our weak hands.
There are many other roads I want to tell you about and I will in time. Today, Darlene and I are on another road. A road that we have never been on but many have. It is truly a road of hard times financially. A few years ago we committed to pouring everything into Fair Havens Ministries. Well, we poured it all plus some. The plus some was probably not of the Lord. Most of the difficulties are due to my poor decision making. Most of the decisions were made I think with a pure heart but a very foolish heart. My Pastor reminded us this past Sunday to check our assumptions often (against the Bible). I am not complaining about having to confront the repurcusions but am having trouble discerning the road out. Anyway, I know many believers and non-believers have made critical mastakes like running up credit card debt. I did this assuming that at any moment the Lord was going to open a door of escape. So far - no door. Please pray for us- especially Dalene - I hate she suffers through my mistakes and sin. I have empathy now for those who operate daily under the heavy burden of debt with no apparent way out.
The good news is that as we committed to do ministry work - the Lord has blessed those efforts. So in that we find peace and comfort to know to know the Lord can use ever the foolish. I am not suggesting that foolishness is a correct path just one that God can be glorified on even as He leads us out. I just want to encourage others - don't do debt. The Lord will provide. It is a painful road but one I am sure we'll see the Lord do many miracles. That's where we are today - in need of our Lord's move - we need a water to wine miracle. We have seen Him do great things over the years. I am not assuming that He is able....I have proof of that - the Bible says so and I have seen them too....I am just praying for grace to walk this road. Romans 4:20-21.
Bottom line is no matter what - the Lord is aways right and good. We will praise Him again today.