Tuesday, October 14, 2008

On September 2 I wrote about the Roads that the Lord has put me and Darlene on over the years. Little did I know that within two weeks we would be on a new road....a very fast paced road.

Darlene and I have invested all of resources into Fair Havens Farm and Ministry. We were on the edge of desperate places financially. The along came Hurricane Gustaf. Some very dear friends helped me get in an insurance adjusting training class. Then came Hurricane Ike. Before you know it we were deployed to Houston, Texas. Talking about green - we were so green and still are. Anyway, I'll talk about the Lord's provision in the future - which is awesome. I'll tell ya about family taking care of the farm, of friends loaning us a truck to drive out in, of new friends that have given us a place to stay....

What I am so excited about is the people we are meeting. We are meeting Christians and non-Christians daily that are blessing our hearts. I met a man the other day who is a fairly new Christian by the grace of God and is still struggling with smoking and drinking and family issues. He allowed me to share my testimony and he was about in tears saying he'd had been encouraged when we left. Darlene has to stay in the truck while I doing he scoping but y'all know Darlene...she is magnet...! The Lord draws folks to the truck and she encourages them. One single mom teacher just cried and cried as Darlene encouraged her. She was desperate for encouragement.

There are many stories like this - God is so good to allow us to join in His work. But there is one young man who has just blessed my socks off. This past summer we met Robert's mom in Uganda. Jennifer fell in love with Ms Agnes and the kids. Anyway, when they found out we were coming to Houston, they insisted that we come and fellowship with them. Robert, Jennifer's oldest son has been drawn to the aquaponics systems and wanting to help hungry folks. He is in the process this week of building his own system at home so he can learn how to raise fish to feed folks and tell them about Jesus. He is so committed that he wrote a pledge and signed it as a commitment to the Lord and His work. I am so proud of Robert. If we would all just commitment to the Lord and what he has called each of us to, the work of the Lord would progress and we might even see Jesus come again soon. Y'all pray for Robert and his endeavors. Robert is only about 10 years old but committing his life to the work of the Lord. Please pray for yourselves also to know and do the will of God. Serve and Love others! Wouldn't you be proud to know Robert too!

Tuesday, September 2, 2008


Over the years the Lord has led me and Darlene down many roads. I would like to think that all the roads we have been on have been the ones He has lead us to. I know in my heart this is not the truth because I know I have taken some paths that were misguided and not where the Lord wanted us to go. Sometimes it was my flesh, sometimes I just did not hear clearly. Darlene and I often reflect on the roads of our lives. Some are good... for instance...
I can remember a red clay road in Brazil...Darlene was trying her best (in her sweet suthern accent) to teach our interpreter how to pronounce "r's". Since most Portuguese pronounce r's as h's - well rooster becomes hooster and Richard becomes Hickard or Hicky for short.
I can remember the dirt road off Hwy 45 we used to walk for exercise on. It was a logging trail actual - but many hours were spent on this road crying out to the Lord. This was a time of great trial in our marriage. We had started off on the wrong foot and just knew all was a mistake. But we walked, we talked and we wrestled. Thank God for God who never loses track of you nor forsakes you and still talks to you on some pretty lonesome dirt roads when very few are there to help....
I can remember a road in Bangladesh. Warren Helmer and I were part of a praying walking team. The team was split up and we were to walk village to village praying, doing water test and sharing whenever the door opened. We were walking one day, when a kid ran up and snatched my flash light off my belt and took off running. Our guide took off after him - with the intent to retrieve my flashlight but also to punish this kid....the kid was only about 10 and probably hungry. Warren somehow recognized the peril this kid had put himself and ran after the pair too. He caught up about the time the guide began to beat on this child. Instead of urging the man to stop, Warren threw himself in front of the boy to take the punishment on himself. I'll never forget thinking, this is what Jesus did for me.
I can remember a road in Indonesia. We were visiting MM and we were to travel to a little community way out in the sticks. I have been on some rough roads but this one ranks in the top 10. I can remember getting there and this little community of believers led us in worshipping the One and Only God. Even with chickens falling through the roof and ladies breast feeding in the middle of church - the center of attention was Jesus.
I remember a road last year in Uganda. The road to hell and back all in one direction. Our mission included a trip to a little town called Lira. There was a refugee camp there that Ken Galyean and I had visited a few months earlier. The road trip was long but not unbearable - about 4 hours. We were going to Lira to share the Gospel and feed the camp and just love on some folks that had been run out of their homes by some very mean men. We packed up - a van load of folks and food and other stuff. We even had to strap some stuff on top. We took off around lunch time and began what we thought would be a 4 hour journey. Because of the late start our driver decided to take a different road. About 3 hours into the journey, the road turned into a dirt road and it began to get dark. I found out later that we were traveling through some pretty dangerous territory. The journey also turned into 10 hour trip in the dark on a pot hole riddled dirt road and a driver who drove at breakneck speed trying his best to quickly get us to our destination. There's a lot more to this story but it was truly a night to remember. But also a great day to remember on the next day. Lots of folks were fed and ministered to.
I remember a road in Botswana. Ronnie Johnson and I drove practically the entire width of this country and prayer walked several communities. It was like traveling in Texas. Flat. We had a great time though and saw the Lord do many things.
I remember a road to Bam Iran. Bob Ewing and I along several others from North Mobile joined a team from all over Alabama in response to an earth quake in Iran. Our mission was to deliver a mobile kitchen, set up and cook local fair for these folks who had been devastated by a sudden earth quake. With in six days after the earth quake we were flying into Bam on a Russian cargo plane (that's a story in itself) directly into Iran. We quickly got set up and began to feed folks. One night the lines were long and the food looked like it was going to run out. Bob began to lead us in praying the fished and loaves....God did a great miracle that night - as the last person was served the last scoop of rice and chicken was dished up. Fishes and loaves - there was enough for all that were hungry. We were not allowed to share the Gospel there but we heard later that many were saved just because they were loved by Jesus though our weak hands.
There are many other roads I want to tell you about and I will in time. Today, Darlene and I are on another road. A road that we have never been on but many have. It is truly a road of hard times financially. A few years ago we committed to pouring everything into Fair Havens Ministries. Well, we poured it all plus some. The plus some was probably not of the Lord. Most of the difficulties are due to my poor decision making. Most of the decisions were made I think with a pure heart but a very foolish heart. My Pastor reminded us this past Sunday to check our assumptions often (against the Bible). I am not complaining about having to confront the repurcusions but am having trouble discerning the road out. Anyway, I know many believers and non-believers have made critical mastakes like running up credit card debt. I did this assuming that at any moment the Lord was going to open a door of escape. So far - no door. Please pray for us- especially Dalene - I hate she suffers through my mistakes and sin. I have empathy now for those who operate daily under the heavy burden of debt with no apparent way out.
The good news is that as we committed to do ministry work - the Lord has blessed those efforts. So in that we find peace and comfort to know to know the Lord can use ever the foolish. I am not suggesting that foolishness is a correct path just one that God can be glorified on even as He leads us out. I just want to encourage others - don't do debt. The Lord will provide. It is a painful road but one I am sure we'll see the Lord do many miracles. That's where we are today - in need of our Lord's move - we need a water to wine miracle. We have seen Him do great things over the years. I am not assuming that He is able....I have proof of that - the Bible says so and I have seen them too....I am just praying for grace to walk this road. Romans 4:20-21.
Bottom line is no matter what - the Lord is aways right and good. We will praise Him again today.

Friday, August 29, 2008

Praise the Lord. It is always amazing what God can do isn't it. There is a small church north of Fair Havens called Living Word Church who has always been a blessing to us and supported our efforts. This year their VBS project was to raise funds to buy new mattresses and bed clothes for the kids at Ms Agnes Orphanage in Jinja Uganda. Their goal was to raise $1,000 which because of raising prices, would have only bought about 30 mattress. Well, they raised their $1,000 but then somthing amazing happened - someone in the church wanted to help to so they doubled the offering. It is amazing how child like faith moves the Lord. Now as the season changes every one of the children will have a new mattress and new bedclothes. Praise Jesus!

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Ladies Conference in Jinja

Lady’s Conference in Jinja

Henry Ssevirri, Pastor of a local church in Jinja visited our home in Citronelle November 2007. We already knew we would be going to Jinja on mission in the summer of 2008. Henry asked Darlene if she would organize a ladies conference for his church. Henry is always organizing presentations for other churches but rarely for his own folks. Darlene agreed and immediately began preparing . The Lord began giving her the message...Victory in 2008—the Princess Warrior putting on the armor of God. As the team came together, Darlene delegated roles and responsibilities. Donya and Christine would help teach. Kim, Breland, Erica and Sarah would help with skits and dramas. Even the guys got to participate in one drama.
We were told to expect “maybe” 200 ladies to show up for the three day conference. By the end of the third day there was over 500 ladies attending. Some traveled for miles to hear the Word taught. Some slept on reed mats on the floor of Henry’s church. Meals were cooked in the “back yard” of the church. Mary Ssevirri was amazed at the attendance. Ladies got saved and set freed from bondage and all celebrated . We had reports that even after we got home there were some ladies getting saved.
We were also able to bless the ladies with 200 Bibles, reading glasses, soaps, wooden spoons, clothe materials, food for the conference and other stuff. We got to see the Lord multiply resources. Darlene had been praying for 200 Bibles for the ladies. When we left we had enough money for 150. We just agreed the Lord knew what we needed. When I turned over the money to Henry to buy the Bibles, he did a quick calculation and quickly announced that because of discounts and money exchange rates we would be able to buy 200, if that’s what we wanted to do…..dah! Thank you Lord!

Friday, August 1, 2008

Darlene and I left on June 3 for Jinja, Uganda, Africa. The purpose of our mission was to help facilitate a large KGEA team doing a medical mission in several towns around Jinja. Then, on June 16, we had a team of 11 joining us to continue work at Ms Agnes Orphanage and Henry Ssevviiri’s Church in Njeru.
“I miss them already”. These words were sweetly spoken to me by my bride on the airplane as we came home on June 24. We had just spent 21 days away from home, and even though we missed family, friends, church and Fair Havens Farm, there is something in Uganda that has stolen our hearts. I believe it is the incredible openness for the Gospel there. The people are so loving and kind there. We have so many friends there now. God is at work in Uganda!
We have so many stories to tell you about serving in a medical mission, doing VBS, presenting a ladies conference, pouring a concrete slab, Bible and reading glasses give away and much more. They will be posted in coming blogs.
There are on-going opportunities to help and join in. Contact us if you would like to join in.
The Lord tells us to make disciples as we go, so let’s go get em’ and as Pastor Ed would say, “since the victory is already won, let’s go run up the score!”

All in all it was a great mission. We were blessed. Thank you to everyone that helped to get us there!
Richard & Darlene

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Water Well at Ms Agnes's Dedicated

For about a year now we have been raising funds to install a water well at Ms Agnes. Through the generous giving of a few close and dear friends we were able to raise the money needed. Once we had the money we had to find a reliable well digger in Uganda. This was not such an easy task but we finally found a man named Frank of Swiss Crème Company. All we had was a testimony that Frank is a good man. We went ahead and hired him to hand dig the well. Frank and his crew "hand dug" this 40'+ deep water well. He bricklined the well as they went. He started the project a couple of weeks before we were to arrive in Uganda and finished while we were there. Within 3 days he had the well finished and June 14 we dedicated the well as Jehovah Jira well—God provides. There were folks from several Alabama, Florida and Texas Churches present. It was a awesome day of celebration! Ms Agnes was so over- whelmed she could not contain herself. The children sang and danced.
(note: This water well is very important for several reasons. Now that the children don’t have to cross a dangerous road they are no longer in peril of traffic and/or the awful threat of kidnapping to be sold into slaveryor just attacked by just mean people. This all sounds surreal but it is a way of life in Uganda and other third world nations. Not only is their safety improved but also with the water so available their health and hygiene will improve. The very first thing the kids did when the well was pumping was wash their clothes. Another benefit of this well is the neighbors get to use it as too).
Before we left the well began to develop a problem and it was worrisome to me since I knew we probably would not be there to see the problems corrected. Frank assured me he would fix the problems. PRAISE THE LORD, Frank was good to his word. He had to dig the well deeper and put in a new pump—at no extra cost! Frank is a Christian and he knows that he must honor the Lord in his work. He finished and communicated the positive results. We will highly recommend Frank on future projects.
now the only problem we have to face is water purity. Kelly Green said he would help with a water purification system if we needed one. We are flushing the well out now and will test in the coming weeks.
A big thank you goes to all of those who help in this project. This is changing the lives of the children and the surrounding community. Praise Jesus!

Monday, January 28, 2008

Christmas In January

I am going to let Ms Agnes and the children in the pictures speak for themselves. I'll just say PRAISE THE LORD FOR HIS PROVISION!

Dear Richard and Darlene,
Greetings in Jesus Name. I would first give my heartfelt thanks for the Christmas gifts you sent to me and the children. May the Almighty God bless you very much.
I have sent some of the photos which we managed to take. You will see all the children very happy and checking the boxes, you will see them playing with the yooyo. You will see me opening my gifts while the children are around and one of them helping me putting my necklace round my neck. I tell you it was such a great day for the orphans. You can see Julie who came to witness the children receiving their gifts. One is of the children each one with his/her blankets because the one I sent the other day, most of the orphans had gone to the bore hole to bring water for bathing, but this time they were all around and each of them participated. I can tell you this was like heaven on earth. I would again thank you for the toothpaste and tooth brushes for each of them,also the pencils and shapeners.
I don't have words to express how happy we felt.The whole place was filled with the Joy of Christmas.
God bless you.

Friday, January 25, 2008

New Team Member

I am excited to announce the addition of a new team member dedicated to helping us here at Fair Havens and also to feeding the hungry. His name is Ryan Peaslee. He is a biologist for the state of Alabama and expert fish farmer. He recently read the newspaper article in the Mobile Press about us and was moved. So, he called me a few days ago and let me know he wanted to help. I was able to go by and meet him today. Ryan is a fine young man with a beautiful family. Drew is his wife and he has two children. Although Ryan is very busy on his job, he is going to help us with the science part of the mission. He is a very humble young man and I believe the Lord is going to use him in a great way. He is already planning to join us on the Uganda mission in June. We are excited to have him on our team.

Friday, January 4, 2008

God is blessing

Don't you just love the smiles on these little faces? Priceless!
It is hard to believe that we just met Ms Agnes and kids in Jinja in May 2007. It is also hard to fathom now fast the Lord wants to do His will in our lives. It may not seem like much but the sell of the necklaces has brought stability to Ms Agnes and the children. The Lord has faithfully provided opportunity to sell the necklaces and produce income for the children. Attached is a picture of the kids with their new blankets that were brought by the sell of the necklaces and through donations of some very kind folks. All the children are in school and all are eating regularly. We hope to do more projects as time goes on. See our project list on the fairhavensministries.com web site. Will you help? We need to continue to sell necklaces and also we need to go and do some work on site. Would you like to join in with us? You can join in by going with us, or by praying for us or by donating monies to fund projects or you can do all three. Just write to me at winterrb7@myway.com