Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Ladies Conference in Jinja

Lady’s Conference in Jinja

Henry Ssevirri, Pastor of a local church in Jinja visited our home in Citronelle November 2007. We already knew we would be going to Jinja on mission in the summer of 2008. Henry asked Darlene if she would organize a ladies conference for his church. Henry is always organizing presentations for other churches but rarely for his own folks. Darlene agreed and immediately began preparing . The Lord began giving her the message...Victory in 2008—the Princess Warrior putting on the armor of God. As the team came together, Darlene delegated roles and responsibilities. Donya and Christine would help teach. Kim, Breland, Erica and Sarah would help with skits and dramas. Even the guys got to participate in one drama.
We were told to expect “maybe” 200 ladies to show up for the three day conference. By the end of the third day there was over 500 ladies attending. Some traveled for miles to hear the Word taught. Some slept on reed mats on the floor of Henry’s church. Meals were cooked in the “back yard” of the church. Mary Ssevirri was amazed at the attendance. Ladies got saved and set freed from bondage and all celebrated . We had reports that even after we got home there were some ladies getting saved.
We were also able to bless the ladies with 200 Bibles, reading glasses, soaps, wooden spoons, clothe materials, food for the conference and other stuff. We got to see the Lord multiply resources. Darlene had been praying for 200 Bibles for the ladies. When we left we had enough money for 150. We just agreed the Lord knew what we needed. When I turned over the money to Henry to buy the Bibles, he did a quick calculation and quickly announced that because of discounts and money exchange rates we would be able to buy 200, if that’s what we wanted to do…..dah! Thank you Lord!